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Words, words, words

My colleague Mª José Bermejo passed me an interesting link. It's a video that tells you about the word "fuck."
Beware! There are some spelling mistakes:
centense > sentence
incompitance > incompetence
disatisfaction > dissatisfaction

I once heard something about the origin of the word but don't know for sure if it's true. Apparently the word derives from old times when it was posted on brothel doors as an acronym of "Fornication under the consent of the King"


Anonymous said...

I also had listened to the tale about the acronym. Anyway, this viedo is much more useful!! :)

Cristina I. Sánchez Soto said...

Hi Lara! Let me take advantage of your comment to point out a common problem area: "listen to / hear": like in Spanish, "listen to" (escuchar) is intentional, whereas "hear" (oír) is not. "Hear" is also very common in English to mean "enterarse de," so...
"I had also heard the story about the acronym" ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for correcting me Cristina. Actually I knew it, but sometimes I write too fast :)

Anyway, is true that I use to have problems (refers to 'also' in this case)with the adverbs, even if I know the rules. English is very treacherous!!