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What inspires you?

Dear All,
here's the video we saw yesterday in the NB2 class, in case you want to listen to it again. 
The sentences below are for NI2. The answers are in the comment section.

Complete the sentences:
1. When Ken was a child, everybody thought he was going to be a ____________ (2 words).
2. When he got polio, his father immediately saw he had other ____________. 
3. When Ken was nine, his father had an accident, he ____________ (3 words).
4. Ken's father behaved as the _______________ (2 words) of the family.
5. Ken describes his father as a funny, __________, independent, _____________, man.
6. Ken devotes his life to education because his father _____________ him __________ into it.
7. Ken's father taught him it was important to __________________ (3 words) to be yourself.
8. He wasn't just Ken's dad, he was an _______________ to him. 

I asked NB2 to write a short piece titled "Who or what inspired you?" for next Tuesday. You can follow these points to organize your text (80-100 words):
1. What did you want to be when you were a child?
2. Did anybody encourage you to do/study something in particular?
3. What was that person like?
4. Did you change your opinion about what you wanted to be at some point?
5. What happened in the end? Did you become the person you thought you were going to be?

1 comment:

Cristina I. Sánchez Soto said...

1. soccer player
2. talents
3. broke his neck
4. moral leader
5. strong-minded; brilliant
6. pushed him hard
7. have the courage
8. inspiration