- Browse a newspaper in English (you have links on the right column) and choose a headline you would not have understood before studying the vocabulary we're learning in class. - Now that you know the vocabulary, explain the headline in your own words, with an appropriate complete sentence. - You may also want to do a bit of research on the political leanings or ideology of the newspaper you chose. That's a type of cultural content worth learning about.
An example has been given in the comment section below.
Those who came to class on Friday (14 Nov) practised description through free writing while listening to songs. The main objective of descriptive texts is to create a vivid image in the interlocutor's mind.You can try short description here by describing the image evoked by a song you like.
Write up to 100 words, but please make sure that you check for grammar, spelling, and vocabulary mistakes before you publish your text. There's no excuse not to do so when you're working at home ;-)
If you wish, you can add an Internet link to your song to share with others!