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The Weather in Canada

Hi there!
I've seen this video over and over again, and every time I see it, I have to laugh. I played it yesterday in the talk about Canada, but here it is in case you want to see it again. Some useful vocabulary follows below...

bundle up - put on warm clothes
windchill (factor) - an estimated measurement of the cooling effect of air and wind, esp. when applied to the loss of body heat from exposed skin; or "sensación térmica"
wallowed with another winter storm - 'to wallow' is what a hippopotamus does in the mud, enjoying the moment. Here the verb is used ironically, of course
to hover around - being nearly
8 balmy degrees - used ironically, since "balmy" means pleasant, soothing
swear words and colloquial expressions - holy crap!, you have to be freaking kidding me; tabernac!; suck it! ('Tabernac' is one of the worst words you can use in French Canada, where there is a strong tradition of Roman Catholicism. This sacrilegious word takes the word 'tabernacle' in vain)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The video is really funny, Cristina!! I couldn´t help laughing!! When I was in Canada we were always making fun of the weather and the fact of canadians are always talking about that...

When I saw this post in the blog and found out that you talked about Canada I felt sad about having lost that day of class, it was the class I was most interested in!!!

Well, I´m gonna go to talk to you soon so that I can explain you why I gave up the classes, so see you soon!!! And thanks for posting the video!!! Keep doing so well with the blog, I love it!
