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Getting ready for oral exams - Monologues

Dear All, 

Once we have studied the structure of a monologue and the strategies you can use to develop it correctly, I suggest you prepare these two monologues.

Step 1 - are you ready to speak about the topics with sufficient and appropriate vocabulary?
Step 2 - set a time limit of two minutes and organise your ideas in your head
Step 3 - Make sure you start with an introductory sentence that will make clear what you're going to talk about
Step 4 - develop your ideas conscienciously, that is, don't rush from one idea to the next. Develop each idea fully and with examples.
Step 5 - Make sure you make transitions from one part to the next (remember the chain or sewing image). Those transitions should be marked by appropriate connectors. You shouldn't read the points on the card you're given as if they were independent parts.
Step 6 -  Try to finish with a good concluding sentence. Do not add new ideas in the conclusion. The conclusion should summarise the ideas you have developed, preferably with different words.

Remember to record yourself (minimum time: 3 mins; maximum: 4 mins). 

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