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Teachers TV - On bullying girls

I've just added a new link on the right column, under "Good links to check." It's a link to "Teachers TV", a web page that many of my students this year will like, since so many of you are teachers. To give you an example of how the web page can be used, (and to give you some extra listening comprehension practice) let me pose the following questions to the video you can find here (You can react to the programme by writing a comment):

A. Before you listen:
1. What is "bullying"? If you don't know, look it up in the dictionary. Words related to the topic are: the bully; the bullied boy / girl. Do you understand these terms?
2. Is bullying a problem in the school you teach? Or, if you're not a teacher, was bullying a problem in the school you studied in?
3. What vocabulary do you expect to hear in the programme?

B. While you listen:
4. The Director of Kidscape (an anti-bullying charity), Michelle Elliot, says that now the effects of bullying on girls can be __________.
5. The work that Valerie Besag does involves helping girls __________ that they're being bullied.
6. The expressions "It tears me apart" and "It rips me up" are used when somebody says something __________ to another person.
7. When bullying others, boys simply want to __________ their power.
8. Why is bullying different among boys and among girls?

C. After you listen:
9. Do you agree with the experts that bullying is even worse when it's between girls?
10. What measures can be taken to prevent children / teenagers from bullying others? ("para evitar que los niños / adolescentes acosen a otros")


Cristina I. Sánchez Soto said...

1. "Bullying is a form of abuse. It involves repeated acts over time attempting to create or enforce one group or person's power over another group or person." (Wikipedia). The term is used in the video in the context of schools. The bully is the student who does the bullying and the bullied student or "target" is the student who suffers the bullying.
4. lifelong
5. recognise
6. nasty
7. show off
8. because boys usually don't know the other boys they bully, but girls operate within their circle of friends or classmates, and for the bullied girl it's more difficult to get out of the circle

Anonymous said...

Bullying other students at school is more common than we think. They are humiliating acts very difficult to detect. Only when a student outside events decide to terminate teachers, is when you turn on the alarms and take action. The disciplinary measures must be immediate and forceful against predators and against the mask. The student often harassed a student again at the center, good student, and normalized. Teachers should have more effective legal means and quick to act against bullies. One way to prevent bullying is constant vigilance against the suspects in the hours of recreational or group activities and especially the tutorials for conscientious students to denounce these acts
pedro MARTIN.- NB2

Cristina I. Sánchez Soto said...

Wow, Pedro! That's a wonderful comment!